
Structure of the School

The Deputy Headmistress (Pastoral) oversees the School’s pastoral provision and structure. The School body is divided into three sections: Lower School (years 6-8), Middle School (years 9-11) and Sixth Form. Each section is sub-divided into year groups each led by their own Head of Year. The Heads of Year oversee a team of Form Tutors normally with 5 forms per year group of 20 and 25 students per group.

A pupil’s Form Tutor can deal with the majority of pastoral issues and should be considered as the primary contact. A pupil can approach their Form Tutor (or any other member of staff) at any time for advice and guidance. Pupils have two registrations per day, in the morning and the afternoon, and these are ideal times for a pupil to speak to their Form Tutor. In certain situations, a Tutor may seek advice from the Head of Year or refer a pupil on. A pupil may also directly seek the help of their Head of Year if needed. Lower School Forms also have Form Prefects who help to develop a team spirit within the form by leading team building activities once a week. Occasionally Sixth Formers mentors, who have undertaken a training course, may be assigned to help, support and advise individual pupils.

The Sixth Form tutor groups are smaller. In addition, all Sixth Form students are assigned a Personal Tutor who will oversee their progress and support them through the UCAS applications process.

Integral to the pastoral support system are the School Nurse, Listener and Head of Learning Support.  The School Nurse is available on site throughout the day. If a pupil is too unwell to remain at School or requires hospital treatment, the School Nurse will attempt to contact a parent/guardian. She is available to discuss health-related issues and support ongoing medical conditions. The School Nurse can also provide the contact details for local services for young people which can give advice on a wide range of issues. She is involved with health promotion initiatives and the delivery of health education lessons in PSD. Part of her role involves organises the School’s vaccination programme

The School Listener is qualified to offer support to students dealing with emotional health and wellbeing issues. She offers a safe place for students to explore their thoughts and feelings by allowing them to talk and be heard while supporting them throughout their school life. Appointments with the Listener are on a referral basis only. 


A full induction process is designed for the large entry at year 7 as well as the smaller ones at year 6, 8, 9 and 10 helping new pupils to settle as quickly as possible into their new school. Students are invited to visit the school for a meeting during their final term at their current school. Heads of Year also visit feeder schools to see the pupils working in their current environment and exchange information with the primary teachers. In September, all new pupils spend a full day in School immediately before the start of term to give them an opportunity to get to know each other and familiarise themselves with the School buildings and procedures.

Year 6 pupils are placed in the experienced care of a Head of Year who is practiced in the development and teaching of this age group. As a transitional year, the Head of Year teaches the class for several of their subjects and is able to build a strong rapport with the group and develop and excellent knowledge of each pupil. Children are also involved in a variety of activities and experiences including school visits both at home and abroad, and are encouraged to interact with other year groups. Year 6 provides an ideal spring board from which to embark on the full dynamic nature of Leicester Grammar School

In years 7 to 11 pupils meet with their tutor twice a day and Year 7 students also taught Personal and Social Development by their tutors. The wider curriculum is delivered by specialist teachers in every subject and there are numerous extra-curricular opportunities to enrich their school life. Each Section comes together once a week for their sectional assembly and a feeling of community is very much encouraged.

There are many differences between life in the Sixth Form at Leicester Grammar School and life in rest of the senior School. This is very much the transition period to university and life beyond school. Students are treated as young adults. They lead the School, set high standards in everything they do, remain highly motivated and self disciplined and leave as self confident young men and women capable of tackling the next set of pressures that come at university or within the world of work. 

We expect Leicester Grammar School Students to behave in a well- mannered and courteous way. Each student is issued with a short list of our expectations and the staff and prefects maintain these standards. A rewards and sanctions policy underpins this system.

Form Tutors monitor their students’ progress and any areas of concern are referred to the Head of Year. Serious breaches in conduct are dealt with by one of the two Deputy Heads or by the Headmaster.