
The Power of Words

Last Friday, we thoroughly enjoyed a round of ‘Just a Minute’ involving four of my colleagues modelling this fun competition for pupils who today represent their houses during form time. I hope there are plenty of volunteers who are prepared to step out of their comfort zone and pit their wits in our own mini gameshow!

On Monday morning, I was most impressed by the mature and articulate way in which three of our Year 7 pupils answered my questions about their experience so far, in front of a group of prospective pupils and their parents as part of an LGS at Work visit. We hadn’t rehearsed, yet they spoke with very natural enthusiasm and clarity.

On Tuesday, I covered the topic ‘My Communication’ with my Year 12 Ivy House group, and they had plenty to say about the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication in all their interactions, and about how they need to vary message, delivery and response according to their audience. Then last night, we were very grateful to parents, OLs and friends for supporting our circuit of MMIs (Multiple Mini Interviews) for potential medics; good grades are not enough, as we all know how important it is for doctors to inspire confidence through their bedside manner and ability to express themselves.

All our children are different, and some are naturally more reserved than others. That’s fine as our job is to know them as individuals, to help them grow in self-belief, and to develop their skills of oracy and communication, so important for the future lives.

Best wishes

John Watson